Sunday, December 27, 2015


The only guarantee in this life is that
There are no guarantees
If I die tomorrow - that is okay
For there is nothing really - but this present day
Time is the wisest counselor
Remembering the past like it was yesterday
Today - many of the dynamics are the same
Made so many mistakes - that I still pay for today
Nothing really changes amidst all of this change
It's hard to let go
Of the past - future unknown
There is nothing but this present day
Something has changed in me
I'm not the same as I used to be
View everything differently

It's purifying / I'm testifying
To a higher power - that has more power than me
In this - Our darkest hour
I have the power to realize
That I have come full circle


I've done it all - sex, clubs, jobs, bills
Birthdays and holidays have lost their thrill
Maybe it was all just a rehersal
For when I finally come full circle
The more things change - the more they stay the same
The bodies get older - the mind gets wiser
I've come Full Circle - in our darkest hour
And now I'll pray to a higher power


I've come full circle
I've come full circle
Is it almost over

My world view may not be the same as yours
But instead of fighting about it
Let's learn from eachother
Something has changed in me
I'm not the same as I used to be
View everything differently
The only guarantee in this life is that
There are no guarantees
I finally see


I've come Full Circle

From the Jonsona album - Full Circle
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2016tm


And there was war in heaven - Michael & his angels fought against the dragon
And the dragon fought his angels - and prevailed not
Neither was their place found anymore in heaven
And the great dragon was cast out - That old serpent called the devil
and satan, which deceiveth the whole world - he was cast out into the earth
And his angel were cast out with him

Michael Archangel - Protect me
I feel his presence again - Like a demon
Or maybe I'm just pure evil
I need an angel

I was fine a few minutes ago
Then all of a sudden
I thought about snapping my cat's neck
I envisioned it - felt an impulse
I love my cat - why?
Is it the devil inside?
God please help me - set my mind free

With God on my side
Hold my fist way up high
Flex my faith - you will not win
Unclean spirit full of sin
Heavenly Father and I
Brightest light up in the sky
Double Trouble we will be
Against the evil inside me


I'm in my car now
I want to run that person down
Wanna hit that old lady with the walker
at 70 MPH

I really wish that person dead
Why are these thoughts in my head
 I hear two voices - one is like poison
    Devil on one side - angel on the other    
I'm ready to do battle but I need cover

I would never act on these thoughts
God, please help me with this stuggle
Your power - my faith - we be Double Trouble


Strangle those kittens - Beat the shit out of
That homeless person - I hate these aversions
Steal that wallet - Poison their dinner
Shoot their fucking dog - Feel like a sinner

Angels for hire - Put out the fire
God please help me - Set my brain free
Hail Mary full of grace
These thoughts are a disgrace
To my moral fiber - Devil, you a liar

Cut those brake lines - Smash that windshield
Kick that child until it bleeds

Faith up bitch - It's time for a battle
Come on angels - Let's do this
Get him the fuck out of my head
No No No No

Fuck off devil - I am a beautiful soul
God's on my side
So, you got Double Trouble - you devil bitch
I'm clean... or am I?

From the Jonsona album - Full Circle
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2016tm


Put your hands in your pockets and thrust those hips
Maybe even lick those big fat lips
Strut down the alley lookin' fine
Take it to the dance floor - it'll be all right

Most of the time it's misunderstood
That's the word in my neighborhood
So when all else fails - this is what I find
Do the Horny Walk - Shake my behind

Do the Horny Walk
Then go - feed me feed me feed me feed me
Do the Horny Walk
Then go - feed me feed me feed me feed me


Most of the time it's misunderstood
That's the word in my neighborhood
So when all else fails - this is what I find
Do the Horny Walk - Take my behind


Hey you there - in my fantasy
Let's fuck
Actually, I don't want to fuck - but thanks anyway

From the Jonsona album - Full Circle
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2013tm


What ever happened to you Petey - I miss you bud
What happened to you Petey - I wish you luck

Some said his breath was not so good
Always living in a bad neighborhood
Not very tall - with eyes so sad
Beautiful brown eyes he did have

Was a musician - five feet tall
Problems with drugs and alcohol
I've often wondered what happened to you
My curly haired friend that I call Petey

It's been many years - think he moved away
We had many talks at the bar down the way
I hope you stayed out of jail this time
And found a girl who treats you right

When I moved away and quit our job
Like it often goes - we didn't stay in touch
Our time together - distant memory
Thankless life of the restaurant industry

Abusive girlfriend - that was so needy
That was the life of a guy named Petey
Brilliant musician - very cute face
Small in stature but full of grace
It's been many years - we moved away
I miss our talks at the bar down the way
He may be in rehab - he may be happy
Either way I wish you the best my Petey


It's hard to believe it's been so many years
Since then - a lot of laughs and tears
I'll probably never see you again
But I'll always consider you my friend

I liked your music - I liked your style
And even though it's been awhile
Back in the old days of the big city
Drinkin' a beer with my friend - so skinny

Artists like us - our souls are tortured
Emotional damage - Sanity cornered
Mysterious and quietly needy
That was my friend whom I called Petey


I've heard many stories through the grape vine
Over the years - hope you are fine
I miss looking into your beautiful brown eyes
Hair so curly - body so small
But your aura - so strong - so tall
I'm sad that I'll probably never see you again
(maybe in the afterlife, huh?)


From the Jonsona album - Full Circle
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2016tm


2010's - what happened?
Didn't you used to have to earn fame?

What has happened to society - Biological drones
What happened to originality and fun
Nothing left to do or say - Everything's already been done


No originality - in the mainstream
New Year's Eve was not exciting to me
What happened to new - stimulating and fun
Guess there's nothing left because it's all been done

Everything's been done -been done
Everything's been done - been done
Everything's been done - been done
Everything's been done - Everything's been done


Kardashians - Why you so lame
Didn't you used to have to earn fame
In the last decade or so
Everything is a remake or a reality show

Big cities don't have the energy they used to
Not to sound like a grandma
But it's not like it used to be 
Technology made things better
(not sure about that)
The internet made us closer
(well, not really)


No originality and if there is
You won't see it on mainstream anything
Is this an opinion - yes it is (mine)
But I am very perceptive

Like everything now - it's about dumbed down
people - and making money
The explanation is simple son
There's nothing left - everything has been done


I realize that everybody's taste is subjective
Oh goody - another movie remake
Can't wait for the next Damn Daniel video
Jesus Christ

From the Jonsona album - Full Circle
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2016tm


Trying to portray Jonsona (myself) - as larger than life
Really - I'm just a hermit - A mad genius
Alone in my dark, room - Blinds drawn - Making music

(chorus 1)
Am I out of touch (dude, I think you are)
I'm alone too much
I am out of touch (you're outta touch bro)


Nothing anymore - is good enough
I say I will - But I won't stay in touch
Nothing anymore - stimulates me
Sometimes I feel like I'm in a prison - Free me please

It's not really depression
I just feel numb - I feel so numb - Empty

(chorus 2)
Am I out of touch
I am out of touch
I'm alone too much
So, I am out of touch


I need stimulation - Inspiration
You're outta touch bro

Stimulation - Conversation - Realizations - Revelations

I have no one to go out with anymore
All of my best friends live far away now
Since I quit working almost two years ago
Due to physical limitations - I spend too much time alone

I have become a full fledged hermit
Maybe by choice - I'm not certain
I try to preach about the state of the world
But all I really see is on a computer screen

So how in touch with reality
Can I really be when I am my only company
Am I out of touch - I am out of touch - I'm alone too much

I try to preach about the state of the world
But all I really see is my own reflection
Maybe this is suppose to be my destiny
I pretend to be cold but I do need affection

From the Jonsona album - Full Circle
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2016tm


Sandy Hook - 9/11 - Boston Marathon - and on and on
Isis - Isil - Is - which is it?
Publicized shooting after shooting after shooting
Cognitive dissonance - What the fuck world do I live in now?

You better take a second look
Before you're looking up the barrel of a gun
It's just a matter of time - Before all goes ary
You don't have to believe me
Just sit back and wait and see (like most do)
So many warriors behind a computer keyboard
Well, you can call me whatever the fuck you want
But what I am is an Event Skeptic

I don't believe everything I see on the internet
But if it's on TV - contrived bullshit you can bet
What we really need is an extinction level event
Wipe the slate clean - let the planet heal itself
Sorry beautiful children

With all the innovations - inventions
It's all in vain because the human race as a whole
Is simply insane

I'm not sure we even originate from here
But I'll be goddamned if I'm gonna live in fear

It's been proven time and time again
That main stream media - big corperations
the elite and governments lie
Why is it so hard for we the people
To open our eyes - Fear
History just repeating itself - again

I'm so sorry for all of the children
With no future - all of them
Brainwashed to believe
This is the way it's suppose to be
No one will do anything
Until it's in their back yard
So many warriors behind computer keyboards
I am an Event Skeptic
Not a conspiracy theorist
Don't ever plan on me being submissive
But what it comes down to
Is the survival of me and my family
And we will die free


I give up on trying to wake people up
The lies will never stop 
Quiet genocide is already taking place
It has been for years - cognitive dissonance

There are times I want to go back to sleep
And be a happy, brainwashed sheep
But I can't - I am awake
And I don't care anymore - because it's too late


The masses had their chance
But we didn't listen
I don't see how it can go on much longer like this
Even just being able to breathe
And have clean food and water
It's almost over ya'll


Cognitive Dissonance
Sorry beautiful children

From the Jonsona album - Full Circle
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2016tm