Sunday, December 27, 2015


And there was war in heaven - Michael & his angels fought against the dragon
And the dragon fought his angels - and prevailed not
Neither was their place found anymore in heaven
And the great dragon was cast out - That old serpent called the devil
and satan, which deceiveth the whole world - he was cast out into the earth
And his angel were cast out with him

Michael Archangel - Protect me
I feel his presence again - Like a demon
Or maybe I'm just pure evil
I need an angel

I was fine a few minutes ago
Then all of a sudden
I thought about snapping my cat's neck
I envisioned it - felt an impulse
I love my cat - why?
Is it the devil inside?
God please help me - set my mind free

With God on my side
Hold my fist way up high
Flex my faith - you will not win
Unclean spirit full of sin
Heavenly Father and I
Brightest light up in the sky
Double Trouble we will be
Against the evil inside me


I'm in my car now
I want to run that person down
Wanna hit that old lady with the walker
at 70 MPH

I really wish that person dead
Why are these thoughts in my head
 I hear two voices - one is like poison
    Devil on one side - angel on the other    
I'm ready to do battle but I need cover

I would never act on these thoughts
God, please help me with this stuggle
Your power - my faith - we be Double Trouble


Strangle those kittens - Beat the shit out of
That homeless person - I hate these aversions
Steal that wallet - Poison their dinner
Shoot their fucking dog - Feel like a sinner

Angels for hire - Put out the fire
God please help me - Set my brain free
Hail Mary full of grace
These thoughts are a disgrace
To my moral fiber - Devil, you a liar

Cut those brake lines - Smash that windshield
Kick that child until it bleeds

Faith up bitch - It's time for a battle
Come on angels - Let's do this
Get him the fuck out of my head
No No No No

Fuck off devil - I am a beautiful soul
God's on my side
So, you got Double Trouble - you devil bitch
I'm clean... or am I?

From the Jonsona album - Full Circle
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2016tm

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