Sunday, December 27, 2015


The only guarantee in this life is that
There are no guarantees
If I die tomorrow - that is okay
For there is nothing really - but this present day
Time is the wisest counselor
Remembering the past like it was yesterday
Today - many of the dynamics are the same
Made so many mistakes - that I still pay for today
Nothing really changes amidst all of this change
It's hard to let go
Of the past - future unknown
There is nothing but this present day
Something has changed in me
I'm not the same as I used to be
View everything differently

It's purifying / I'm testifying
To a higher power - that has more power than me
In this - Our darkest hour
I have the power to realize
That I have come full circle


I've done it all - sex, clubs, jobs, bills
Birthdays and holidays have lost their thrill
Maybe it was all just a rehersal
For when I finally come full circle
The more things change - the more they stay the same
The bodies get older - the mind gets wiser
I've come Full Circle - in our darkest hour
And now I'll pray to a higher power


I've come full circle
I've come full circle
Is it almost over

My world view may not be the same as yours
But instead of fighting about it
Let's learn from eachother
Something has changed in me
I'm not the same as I used to be
View everything differently
The only guarantee in this life is that
There are no guarantees
I finally see


I've come Full Circle

From the Jonsona album - Full Circle
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2016tm

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