Sunday, December 27, 2015


2010's - what happened?
Didn't you used to have to earn fame?

What has happened to society - Biological drones
What happened to originality and fun
Nothing left to do or say - Everything's already been done


No originality - in the mainstream
New Year's Eve was not exciting to me
What happened to new - stimulating and fun
Guess there's nothing left because it's all been done

Everything's been done -been done
Everything's been done - been done
Everything's been done - been done
Everything's been done - Everything's been done


Kardashians - Why you so lame
Didn't you used to have to earn fame
In the last decade or so
Everything is a remake or a reality show

Big cities don't have the energy they used to
Not to sound like a grandma
But it's not like it used to be 
Technology made things better
(not sure about that)
The internet made us closer
(well, not really)


No originality and if there is
You won't see it on mainstream anything
Is this an opinion - yes it is (mine)
But I am very perceptive

Like everything now - it's about dumbed down
people - and making money
The explanation is simple son
There's nothing left - everything has been done


I realize that everybody's taste is subjective
Oh goody - another movie remake
Can't wait for the next Damn Daniel video
Jesus Christ

From the Jonsona album - Full Circle
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2016tm

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