Sunday, December 27, 2015


Shiny - Ailerons
Vertical tail - So regal
Nothing like - That kerosene smell
Wings spread - Like a silver eagle

Your engines they sing
A tune - only a few of us can understand
My daddy used to work - at SeaTac
In the 1970s - I miss that

The wonderment I felt - as a young kid
For the Jetliner - will never leave me

Jetliner - I will always love you
Always the old - even the new
My love for you will never die
With your blades spinning - keep flying high


My mom used to clean them

My dad directed and packed them
Vertical tail - tall as the sky
To a young boy - who loved to fly

Now they are used - to crash into buildings
(maybe not how you've been told by your government)

It's a shame - you are now used to poison us
Through geo-engineering
Not so endearing

The airlines are not what they once were
Although it was always about the money I guess
Herding people like cattle now
For the almighty dollar (or whatever currency)

Practically raped - at security checkpoints
Another reminder
That our freedom is almost gone


We used to dress up - to get on an aeroplane
It was an event - Not a flying bus
Like today

The rush of takeoff - it can't be beat
I must have a window seat
Engine sound - better than sex
Jet fuel - metal - and plastic

I drew them as a kid - teenager and adult
I miss United's tulip - TWA
American's double AAs
Western's red W
And Delta's red and blue triangle

I wanted to be a flight attendent
But an over baring ex wouldn't have it
Now I'm too old - Now it's too late


Aircraft - Airplane
I will always have love for the Jetliner
Until I die and fly higher

From the Jonsona album - Full Circle
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2016tm

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