Sunday, December 27, 2015


I'm watching the world go to hell
But I am still wishing you well
I find some peace that these things bring
They are called - the little things

The little things - you will find
That they can bring you peace of mind
In a world that is so unkind
How could I have been so blind

Bitter - party of one
Somethings in life - just can't be undone
But thy love for these it flows from me
Like liquid from a stream - they are called
the little things

The little things - the little things
The little things - on my mind
It's the little things - the little things
The little things - you must find


Life can kick you in the balls
Pick yourself up but again you fall
Doesn't matter how hard you try
It's inevitable that you will cry

But once in awhile you're caught off guard
By something so simple that warms your heart
Makes you smile - makes your soul sing
It is called the little things


Watching the squirrels outside my window
Sun kissed face of a daughter or son
The cat and dog are cuddled together
In the glow of the morning sun
Caress from the hand of a loving parent
On your head when they thing you're asleep
The first blossom of the spring

In a world full of deceit and lies
You're born, you work, pay bills, you die
We get so distracted by
Just trying to simply survive

But there is something I have found
That's so simple but so profound
Momentary peace it brings
It is called the little things


From the Jonsona album - Full Circle
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2016tm


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