Sunday, December 27, 2015


It's 2016 - Happy New Year
Yet another year mother fuckers
So let's see what happenes ya'll - K? - Let's go

Should old acquaintance be forgot
Jonsona 2016 juggernaut
To stay alive - I struggled I fought
My physical body's been through a lot

I made it - I'm here - Another year
This time it's gonna be all about me
Maybe I'll live - Maybe I'll die
Whatever the case - It'll be just fine

Maybe this year I'll have good luck
Or maybe it'll all just go tits up
Maybe I'll live and make some bucks
But if it all ends - I don't give a fuck

If you all insist on acting like a crazy bitch
You are on your own - I have my own life to live
I'll take a bullet for you
If you get sick - I'll care for you
But other than these - This year is about me

Election year - another round of bullshit
I'm running out of time
Clock is ticking - This is it

The world may fall apart
But I will follow my heart
And if this is the year I die
I'll go with my head held high

It is a brand new year
I hope that all of you can hear
That it is all about me (this time)
The year that I will be free
It's a brand new year
I will no longer live in fear
This is the coming of age
It's all about me this time, dear


Brand New Year - I will no longer live in fear

Maybe this time my voice will be heard
Sometimes life is scarier than death
But if I meet my maker in the brand new year
It'll all be okay, dear

You hear that?
That's the sound of me not giving a fuck anymore
I'm done - It's about me now

If you are arrogant - close minded
Or have a lynch mob - name calling mentality
Then get the fuck away from me NOW

From the Jonsona album - Full Circle
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2016tm


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